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In 2024, Access Oxygen continues to grow and expand in a new geographical area

Access Oxygen continues its mission to make medical oxygen accessible to local communities in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC), helping to meet crucial public health needs.

Expansion in Mali: a significant step forward in 2024

The year 2024 marks an important milestone with the deployment of our solution in Mali, where 20 healthcare facilities in the districts of Kita (Kayes Region) and Bla (Ségou Region) are in the process of being installed since December. This achievement is the fruit of close collaboration between Access Oxygen, Airgas (an Air Liquide company which financed the oxygen concentrators), the Malian health authorities, and Mag Global Service, our local operator.

Progress in South Africa: strengthening our presence

Established in South Africa since 2021 in 9 regions, Access Oxygen, operated locally by VitalAire South Africa (a subsidiary of Air Liquide Healthcare), continues to grow and develop its impact. Thanks to our partnership with the Unjani Clinics network 18 new structures have been equipped in 2024, strengthening our presence in the country.

Development in Kenya: fruitful collaboration with CPHD

In Kenya, our cooperation with the NGO CPHD (Centre for Public Health) led to the installation of equipment in 5 new health centers on the outskirts of Nairobi. Of the 25 centers equipped, 12 have been successfully transferred to the company MediQuip Global working with CPHD, which has been managing them autonomously since October.

Developments in Senegal: towards local autonomy

In Senegal, although the program has been discontinued in several centers, 4 structures continue to supply medical oxygen autonomously, thanks to local funding.

Our commitment: Accessible oxygen to save lives continues in 2025 with new projects in development.