Access Oxygen™ in Mali
New rollout in 2024
Since December 2024, the Access Oxygen program is being expanded in Mali to provide a solution that facilitates access to medical oxygen within primary healthcare structures, which is essential for strengthening the Malian healthcare system, reducing infant pneumonia mortality and preventing avoidable deaths.
Key Points
Starting date: December 2024 | Areas: Ségou and Kayes |
Local Partner: Mag Global Service |
Project history
In Mali, as in many other African countries, many avoidable deaths are linked to the lack of medical oxygen, justifying the choice of this geography for the program.
To bring this project to fruition, Access Oxygen has worked closely with several partners. We are working with the Malian health authorities and Mag Global Services, our local operator (a former ambulance driver familiar with the challenges of the Malian health sector).
This project was made possible thanks to a donation from Airgas (an Air Liquide company), which financed the oxygen concentrators given to FENASCOM (Fédération Nationale des Associations de Santé Communautaire), making this deployment possible.
Several health facilities are planned for the pilot phase of the project. Our research focuses on relatively stable regions in a country affected by political crises.
Project roll-out
Since December 2024, the Access Oxygen program is being deployed in 20 primary healthcare facilities in the Ségou and Kayes regions of southern and western Mali, extending its presence in West Africa. After training healthcare staff, the equipment is installed in each center to treat patients.
Nearly 50,000 people living in areas where Access Oxygen was deployed in Mali
December 2024
2 districts Kita (Kayes Region) and Bla (Segou Region)
December 2024
“We're delighted to provide access to oxygen in this new region. This project was made possible thanks to the active involvement of our various partners”.
Oscar López, Support Manager